• Israel-Jordan 2010

    The Rest of Day 1

    The plane landed at La Guardia on time, I guess. I really didn’t check, but I know we were close. After following the “Baggage Claim” signs, I arrived at said location. However… There were six (I think) different luggage carousels, some of which had people and luggage, but there only one had a list of flights the luggage was for — none mine. Seemed like everyone from our flight was looking around. I asked a bag handler. He nicely told me which one, then tried to sell me on his services to transport my bag. I nicely thanked him and said no thanks. Smiles all around.

    Turns our our luggage finally came out at the carousel next to the one he pointed out, but it was close. I grabbed my bag and headed for the exit that said “shuttle.” Because of timing, I ended up taking a cab to JFK, but that wasn’t too expensive and I was sure to be on time.

    Check in at El Al was a bit confusing. Lines, people. People doing their jobs. People standing around. People who have jobs but you don’t know that until they tell you where you should have gone or or should have done something differently. Hint: we had to have bags passed through x-ray check before we got to the check-in counter (passport please). Usually it’s after, but oh well. Big families, lots of luggage. Single kids heading on an adventure. Tour groups of young people in matching T-Shirts (two groups on our flight — red shirts and tan shirts). Everyone talking, talking, talking.

    Finally got checked in and headed toward the gate where I met a few other members of our tour group. We meandered toward the gate together. At one point we heard a big shout and lots of cheering. Ah, the World Cup! Spain apparently had scored a goal, a scene repeated twice more (I think, but not sure who scored) before we got to the gate.

    Some of our tour folks were already there, some joined after we arrived. We all spent a little time saying our first hellos, and then it was time to board. Some of us had seats close to each other, some didn’t. But we all got settled in and waited. Oh, the plane was a 747, so there were LOTS of people! I mean, LOTS! My seat, along with 7 or 8 others, was in the last few rows of the plane. Just the opposite of my earlier fligt, but nevertheless, still close to the bathrooms. I was lucky (in my estimation) to have an aisle seat. For a 10-hour flight, that’s where I want to be!

    After what seemed like several trips taxiing around the airport (the pilot warned us it could be about an hour before we took off), we were finally in the air!

    Lots more to talk about on the flight and Day 2 (arrival and first tour stop before hotel, dinner, etc.), but it’s been a looooonnnnggg day (two days?) and I’m going to see if I can get this online and get to bed. We back at it bright and early in the morning and I want to be rested.

    To be continued…

    Here are some of the folks meeting up for the tour…