• Family

    My Buddy Boy

    Our history together started over 19 years ago when I went to the Arlington animal shelter looking for a missing cat. That cat wasn’t there, but this new kitty looked at me from his cage and something tugged at my heart. I wasn’t ready to commit since I hadn’t gone looking for a new cat, so I left…regretfully. Overnight, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. I went back the next day. When I arrived, another couple had picked him out so I thought he’d be going to a good home and was OK with that; however, when they were told they’d have to pay to have him neutered, they changed their minds. I even told them I’d pay for it, but they decided no. So I filled out the paperwork and he came home with me–even though I already had another black and white cat (that was Sweet Pea, a rather new addition, too, at that time).

    Sometime in the early hours of our acquaintance, he just looked at me and I heard very clearly, “I’ll be your buddy.” So he became, and remained for almost 20 years, my Buddy Boy–my mischevious, inquisitive, funny, unconditionally loving companion. He was one of those cats who love belly rubs. Start to pet him and he’d just roll over. And he knew where those pets and rubs came from! He’d just gently (mostly 🙂 ) grab your hand and pull it toward him, asking for more.

    He and Sweet Pea were my family through several jobs, my last marriage and divorce, and four houses. Just as with any family, I couldn’t wait to get home from trips, to be back with “my boys.” Hugs, laying all over each other, happy companioning.

    When Sweet Pea passed away (about 16 months ago), I wondered how Buddy Boy would react since they’d always been a pair. What happened was that Buddy Boy’s original promise to me was even more fulfilled. As always, he either beat me to bed (if I stayed up too late–he knew when “bedtime” was!) or joined me right after I jumped in. But now, he stayed even closer whenever I was home, joining me as I read or watched TV–not just in the same room, as he’d always done, but wanting to be in my lap or right within touching distance. He was great company.

    We did have our rituals. In the morning, we both got out of bed together. As I showered, he’d sit right outside the shower door (he loved to lick the water off the inside once I was done). As I was doing other things, he moved into the closet since he knew I’d be there soon. I called him my “fashion consultant” since we always discussed what I’d wear that day.

    Then it was time for breakfast. You can tell from his size that he loved to eat! First order of business after coming out of the bedroom was food for Buddy Boy. 🙂 He’d watch closely at my feet as I opened a can and filled his dish. As I walked to his “table,” he’d often turn around and give an impatient “meow,” waiting for the food to be put down.

    On work days, he was always close as I hugged him and told him I was going to work and that I loved him and would see him later. After work, he was the first order of business. I’d find him, hug him, and tell him how happy I was to see him. After dinner, we enjoyed just being together. I used to sing this to him:

    I love my Buddy Boy
    Oh yes I do
    I love my Buddy Boy
    And that means you!

    Earlier I called him mischievious. Here’s one example from when he was younger. In a previous townhouse, my back area had a common fence with another house. Since it was a high fence, I used to let the cats out the back to get some sunshine and fresh air. I didn’t think Buddy Boy was going far since he was so large (see the picture with the bricks in it). Well, not once but twice, Buddy Boy somehow made his way up the fence and over into the neighbor’s area, jumping down on their built-in barbeque, which was close to the fence. He couldn’t figure out how to get back over, though! Both times, the neighbors weren’t home, so I had to build something to get over the fence, grab him, and get back over the fence, and I had only one ladder! I kept a closer eye on him after the second time. Ha!

    Buddy Boy and I suited each other very well. He was my baby, my buddy. I sooooooooo miss his meow as he’d climb up on the bed and walk toward me, eyes wide open watching me, finally picking his spot and plopping down against me. Sometimes he’d want under the covers, pushing his head where he wanted to go until I lifted up the sheets. Whenever I’d turn over, he’d walk over me and settle in a new spot where he’d stay on my front side. I loved reaching out and petting him, hugging him. He was a fabulous purr-er.

    Buddy Boy was not very photogenic. At least, the pictures I took of him didn’t really catch, to me, his personality. It was hard to get close-ups, because when I got to his level, he’d walk right to my feet or into my lap. He just wouldn’t stay at the right distance, and when he got really close, he’d usually close his eyes. I think there are some good ones here, though. There are a couple of pictures of both cats–Sweet Pea’s the one with the white on the lower half of his face and more white on his chest. Buddy Boy has the more black face and big belly!

    Buddy Boy passed away on November 7, 2013 (four days after the last picture), with me holding him. It had been obvious for a couple of days that he was failing fast, so I had a little warning. I am so grateful to have had this wonderful companion in my life, and for such a long time. I was not ready to say good-bye (19 years is not long enough!), so I’ll just keep thinking of him, knowing he’s purring and thinking of me, as I am of him. Love you Buddy Boy. See you after a while…..