Italian Lakes 2017

Italy Trip, Monday, July 31 (Day 12)

Once again, our hotel was about a block from the water. This time, we were able to just walk to where the kayaks were set up for our day’s activity. It was the same company who outfitted and guided us on our last kayaking adventure at Lake Orta, so we all knew the drill this time.

One change was that where Nikki and I had shared a double last time, they gave us each a single today. Not sure why, as I believe we were both happy with the arrangement of the double, but there you are.

We went through the process of getting the pedals set to the right lengths and getting in the water. I had brought water shoes on this trip for our water activities, but they were so old that the glue between the soles and the booties disintegrated last time out, so this time it was a barefoot day. Well, the good sandals I was wearing went into the waterproof compartment and THEN I was barefoot. Unfortunately, the shore/beach was really just rocks, so it was a pretty uncomfortable few yards of walking on rocks before getting into the kayak. Ouch!

I got in the water OK and rowed a ways out. As I leaned forward to secure my water bottle under the straps, though, the kayak rolled over and I found myself upside down! I certainly don’t have that “turn yourself back upright” stroke in my repertoire, so I just tried to swim out. Luckily, I remembered I had to grab the handle and release the skirt so I could do that!

Our guide was at my side shortly. We agreed that another kayak that was “more stable” would be a good idea, so we essentially traded. Thus, after this “reboot,” I was again set up and in the water, and we were all on our way. I was grateful I had remembered to bring a strap for my glasses. I’d hate to have had to search underwater for those!

Our route today took us along one shoreline past some picturesque villas and other scenery, then across the lake to see, from the water, a really fabulous villa on a promontory. Then we stopped at a beach (again, think rocks) and walked to a local pizzeria. This time, I almost finished an entire pizza myself. Our “normal”-size pizzas are considered a single serving in this part of Italy. However, the crust is much thinner and so are the toppings, so it’s not as much food as it might seem.

After a gelato stop (last one on the trip, as it turned out), it was back in the kayaks and across the lake again to paddle for “home.” I know Andrea was a little anxious for me. He kept “encouraging” me to close up the group because as we cross the lake we’re in the path of motorboats who might not easily see a single kayaker–best to be part of a group where you’re more visible. But I finally just told him I couldn’t do it. I’m steady and sure, but not fast. I just couldn’t go any faster. I’m not sure he was convinced that I wasn’t just lollygagging. Oh well.

I didn’t take many pictures on the water because I didn’t want to slow folks up any more. But I did catch selfie-averse Nikki (red shirt)…taking a selfie! 🙂 And in the last picture, I think she expressed what we all felt, “Wow, isn’t all this just fabulous? Yay!”

Once we got back to our beach, I thought it was very interesting that lots of people, including families with kids, were all over the area. And while they saw that there were 7 kayaks grouping to come ashore, no one moved out of the way. No one got their kids to move out of the way. So it was kind of a long wait to find and take advantage of an opening to get ashore.

Anyway, we finally got unloaded and back to the hotel. A few of the group wanted to spend time in the town of Bellagio before we had dinner there, so because there was only one trip going into town, we all had to head that way a little earlier than I would have liked.

Once we arrived at the town square, Jo took us to where we were going to have dinner–two hours later. Then everyone scattered to shop or roam as they wanted. Robyne and I just started walking. Because she hadn’t been able to join us on the kayaking (didn’t want her cast to dissolve!), she had been into town and found a place where she could get an extra bag to pack for the trip home. We started wandering around to find it again, which we did. Then we just did some window shopping, after sitting in a cafe to drink some water and pass a little time.

Dinner was excellent, if long. I guess I’m just not cut out to spend two hours over a meal; I get antsy. Besides, we all had to pack for the trip home. Since I was going to be overnighting in London, I wanted to reconfigure my bags in case I could check the big one all the way through and just have one backpack to wrestle on the planes and bus to the hotel.

Finally it was back to the hotel and packing/reconfiguring. Robyne did a great job even with one arm, so I mostly only had to help her zip things up.

Tomorrow is back to the Milan airport. I’ll do a trip wrap-up on the last blog for this trip, tomorrow.