• Italian Lakes 2017

    Italy Trip, Wednesday, July 19 (Day 0)

    It’s the night before my big adventure this year…a visit to Milan, Italy, and then a hiking trip around the Italian Lakes area. I’m writing this to be sure everything’s working as expected for being able to update my blog while I’m on the trip.

    The pictures are of the luggage I’m taking and the kitty cat I’m (sniff) leaving behind. That’s Goose. He was an “elder” cat (12) when I got him from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. He was REALLY standoffish, and it took a long time for him to get anywhere near comfortable around me (over a year to let me really pet him!). Now it’s three years later, and when I sit on the couch or in my TV-viewing chair, he jumps up beside me or in my lap and wants to be petted. And he purrs. I’m honored to be so trusted. 🙂

    I know my friend Denise will take good care of him while I’m gone, and he’s been very forgiving of my travels. Still, I know I’ll miss having his sweet face looking at me and his fuzzy self rolling over asking for a belly rub.

    So tomorrow morning I’m off. First a flight to JFK, then the long haul to Milan. I’m staying in that city for a couple of nights before joining the Active Adventures tour on Sunday morning. It’s going to be a long travel day and it hardly seems real right now! I hope I’ve packed everything I need (hard to decide since I’m packing for both warm and possibly cool weather, too).

    I’m not sure what the state of WiFi will be on the trip, but it should be good in Milan, so I expect to do an update once I arrive and get the lay of the land.