• New Zealand 2016,  Travel

    NZ Saint Arnaud to Kaikoura (Saturday, February 20)

    The weather this morning was clear and mostly sunny. Last evening had gotten quite chilly and I fully used the wonderful heater in the room to both dry my sopping boots and warm me up. Today was a whole new day–clear and warmer.

    The six of us who stayed in town met at 10 AM. Steve (who’s driving Bruce while Katie is with the folks who kept hiking) picked us up and we headed for a little sightseeing around the town. We first visited a sheep station (farm). That’s the first picture today. As you can see, it’s remaining true that it seems you can’t point your camera anywhere in this country and not get a great picture!

    Next stop was the “Tophouse.” This is one of the places the herders would stay at as they were driving sheep across the area. The construction is thick walls made of straw and mud daub with an outside covering to help make it water resistant. This structure was built in 1887 and is still going strong, despite earthquakes. Seems it just moves with the land.

    When we drove up, the owner came out and gave us a tour. If you’ll look at the right side of the structure, you’ll see the smallest licensed bar in New Zealand. It’s about 10 x 14 feet, but it has the essentials and was apparently a popular place for herders and locals until it lost the license in 1969.

    Then we headed back to the campground for a few minutes, which allowed me to get some pictures. See the boat tied up at the pier? That’s the water taxi and is where we were dropped off yesterday; however, yesterday it was pouring rain. What a difference a day makes!

    I got a couple of pictures of the campers “lodge” here, just because it seems a good representation of the nice facilities the national parks here provide. This is an open structure with a stove, running water, counters, tables, and plenty of space to get your stuff organized or eat a meal. Sort of a central meeting place to get information and use the facilities. Toilets, showers, and washer/dryer are a little ways up a hill. Just a really great space.

    The next picture is of the mountain the hikers went up yesterday, and were coming down today. If you follow that line of trees up the left side all the way to where the trees stop at the top, that’s the hut they stayed in overnight, so they made it all the way up to the ridge.

    Before heading up to meet them, we stopped at a pier a little way down the beach and saw these eels. Another treat.

    Then we drove up the mountain a ways and met the hikers who were just arriving. First picture there is of Katie and Kirsten. I think this is the only photo I have of both of them together (Katie’s on the left). Then the six together toasting their accomplishment: (L to R) Kerri, Greg, Zjolt, Jenny, Suzie, and Diana. Congrats! We then drove back to the campground where the hikers were able to clean up and do some bag reconfiguration, and we all had some lunch.

    After a couple of hours on the road again, we reached the north coast. First stop here was to see some fur seals at Ohau Point. We couldn’t get too close, but I hope you can see them well enough. The younger ones were playing and it was fun to watch. Plus, the water and rocks were really pretty, too!

    Then it was into the town of Kaikoura and to our accommodations here. Quick stop to unload luggage and then off to dinner for our last night as a group. After dinner, Jenny suggested we all say at least one thing we appreciated about the trip. Most of the comments were about enjoying getting to know each other and absolutely enjoying the efforts of Katie and Kirsten and the whole Active Adventures team that made the trip “seamless.” But Scott went above and beyond–he wrote a poem that mentioned everyone, especially our “angels” (guides) who took such good care of us. I hope we all get a copy because it was great!

    Now we’re back at the accommodations getting ready for our last morning’s activity and then trip to Christchurch where Diana and I catch the 3:00 flight to Auckland. This will be the end of the Rimu trip. The next day our plans are to make the trip to the Hobbit village and the next day I start my Kauri trip while Diana heads back home. Wow, it’s been a quick two weeks! I’m glad I have another trip on the agenda, so more later!