• Hart Prairie Preserve (2021)

    Hart Prairie, Back Home

    The five days of this trip were both packed with activity and restful. The activity was perfectly paced and there was enough down-time to allow for reflection and individual activity. Still, it took a couple of days for me to “recover” from the things we did do, since what we did was more activity packed into those days than usual for me!

    In all, I loved this trip and had a wonderful time. It was great to be with such a fascinating group of guests and staff. The Nature Conservancy staff and their travel partners at Iconic did an absolutely fabulous job in planning the trip and taking care of us all. And have I mentioned the food? Main Street Catering in Flagstaff cooked up great food and all the staff was excellent. Five stars all around!

    I learned a lot, stretched myself a bit, and got some good pictures. And when I got home, the kitties were very happy to see me. For a few days, they hardly let me out of their sight! 🙂